Iida Group's
Maximize the strengths of being the No. 1 detached house
The Iida Group uses the know-how cultivated in Detached houses business and the best
Taking full advantage of economies of scale,
High quality apartments
At an affordable price
We deliver it to Customer.
Condominium know-how Carefully selected location conditions
We carefully select locations that are suitable for condominiums from among the land information purchased by the group.
Condominium know-how Realization of low-cost construction
Through thorough standardization and standardization, not only Material cost but also Construction work cost are reduced.
Utilizing these two types of know-how, we offer better properties with less burden at the time of purchase.
Condominiums ''Pressis'' is a condominium built by HAJIME CONSTRUCTION and is mainly developed in the Tokyo metropolitan area. This is a condominium that achieves a balance between "safety" and "safety" quality based on our own standards and price.
Iida Sangyo's condominium "CENTURY" is a condominium that is friendly to families with children, and is located near the station in a living environment with everything you need for daily life nearby.
ARNEST ONE's condominium "SUNCRADLE" is a condominium that was designed to ensure that your dream home doesn't end up being just a dream.It is a condominium designed to create a home that will be loved for a long time because of its simplicity.