Basic way of thinking
Our company's common management philosophy is to "create living environments where more people can live happily and contribute to building an affluent society." We believe that it is extremely important for the company to achieve sustainable growth and increase its corporate value over the medium to long term to set group management policies based on this management philosophy and increase the efficiency, transparency, and soundness of group management through proactive efforts by the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors.
In addition, we have established the following basic policies based on each principle of the Corporate Governance Code.
1. Ensuring shareholder rights and equality
The Company will take appropriate measures to substantially ensure the rights of all shareholders, including minority shareholders and foreign shareholders, and will treat all shareholders equally according to their ownership interests, thereby preventing information disparities among shareholders. We will strive to disclose information appropriately to ensure that there are no such incidents.
2. Appropriate collaboration with stakeholders other than shareholders
Our company has established group-wide standards of conduct that clearly define our basic stance on corporate ethics and legal compliance, and by putting these into practice, we strive to cooperate appropriately with stakeholders.
3. Ensuring appropriate information disclosure and transparency
The Company aims to gain the trust of all stakeholders, including shareholders, by promptly, accurately and fairly providing information regarding the Group's management strategies, business results, financial status, etc.
4. Responsibilities of the board of directors, etc.
Based on its fiduciary responsibilities and accountability to shareholders, the Board of Directors indicates the overall direction of corporate strategy, etc., and works to ensure the sustainability of the Group by creating an environment that supports appropriate risk-taking and providing highly effective supervision. We will strive to promote growth and increase medium- to long-term corporate value, leading to improvements in profitability, capital efficiency, etc.
5. Dialogue with shareholders
The Company will engage in constructive dialogue with shareholders, etc. to a reasonable extent outside of the general meeting of shareholders, and will endeavor to develop a system to promote dialogue.
Promotion system
Corporate governance report
Corporate Governance Report(681KB)
Last updated: August 19, 2024